Cornelius Mweetwa

Government to rise salaries for nurses, Midwives with upgraded papers

Southern Province Minister Cornelius Mweetwa says government is determined to reward health workers with emoluments that match their qualifications.

Mr Mweetwa said government is aware of health workers that have remained in the same salary scale despite upgrading their qualifications.

He said that government values the investment being put in by health workers to upgrade their qualifications in a world where health care requirements keep changing.

Mr Mweetwa was speaking in Monze today when he officiated at the commemoration of World Nurses day which was celebrated under the theme “a voice to lead, invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health.

And speaking at the same occasion, Southern Province Health Director Lyapa Sikazwe observed that nurses and midwives are some of the most undervalued employees despite the work they put in.

Dr. Sikazwe stated that the attainment of universal health coverage will only be possible with an adequately motivated workforce which includes nurses.

And speaking earlier, Zambia Union of Nurses Organisation (ZUNO) Southern Province chairperson Chimuka Sikapoto has urged government to invest in capacity building in nurses and midwives.

Ms Sikapoto also called for increased salaries for nurses and midwives as a way to motivate their hard work.

Source: Lusaka Times

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