I can’t believe my Facebook is still hacked says Iris Kaingu

Socialite Iris Kaingu has finally announced that her Facebook page was hacked and she has no access to it.

This comes a few days when she rubbished reports that it was hacked after she gave access to scammers who lie that they will pay over USD$1000 upfront to advertise on someone’s Facebook page.

She fell prey to these scammers and gave them access and took over the page. The hackers has further deleted her post when she made a video saying her account is not hacked but partnered with some foreign business persons.

In a post on twitter seen Kaingu cried out loud saying she could not believe that her page is no longer in her hands.

Several celebraties have fallen victims to such hacks and members are urged to be extra careful when dealing with some scammmers who inbox them for paid for deals when they want to get their accounts.

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