Fr Ferena Lambe


Minister Provincial of the Franciscan Fathers of the Catholic Church, Fr Ferena Lambe says President Hakainde Hichilema deserves some time as he settles down in his new role as republican President.

Fr Lambe says it is understandable that people have so many expectations,but assured that all will be well once the new dawn administration settles down.

In an interview, Fr Lambe acknowledged that the new dawn administration is also working against time hence the need to make sure they fufil what they promised.

He notes that despite the anxiety from many Zambians, the head of State also has to deal with a lot of developmental backlogs not only from the Patriotic Front administration but even other past governments.

Fr Lambe emphazised that there is need to have positive feedback from various stakeholders to inspire development from the new dawn administration.

He said there is need to realize that Zambia now has a new governance system in place, against many expectations, hence the need to exercise some patience.

“It’s just inevitable that if we want development,we need to have some time” he said, with an acknowledgement that people are in a hurry and anxious to see development because they are coming from a bad period.

“When a new government comes in, it does not only correct the wrongs of the previous government, but even for other governments who left a lot of things unanswered” Fr Lambe further explained.

He said it is normal for the citizenry to expect things to happen in a certain way when a new administration comes into office.

Fr Lambe said logically and in all honesty, the new dawn administration deserves more time.

He encouraged the new dawn administration to also work around the clock considering that time is also moving within which to fufil their developmental promises.

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