Kafue youth steals G-string to give girlfriend as birthday gift

A YOUNG man of Kafue has earned himself a deserved stay in police cells after stealing a popular female undergarment fondly known as G-string which he intended to present as a surprise birthday gift to his girlfriend.

With his girlfriend’s birthday fast approaching, pressure was mounting on 22-year-old Peter Samasoja to find an appropriate gift he would present to her and being unemployed did not make it any easier for him.

However, Peter’s prayers seemed to have been answered when a police officer within Kafue sent him to collect something from his house.

Upon arrival at the cop’s house, Peter noticed that there was no one around and for him this was an opportunity to grab what he could for his girlfriend’s big day.

Lucky for Peter, there were some clothes on the line including G-strings belonging to the cop’s wife which he scrutniesed closely and concluded they could fit his girlfriend.

He effortlessly grabbed the garments and vanished.

Upon return to her home, the wife of the Kafue officer discovered her clothes were missing and reported to the police whose investigations led to the arrest of Peter.

With painful encouragement from the men and women of Lillayi, Peter readily admitted that he had stolen the G-string among other garments in preparation for his girlfriend’s birthday.

Despite his efforts, Peter is unlikely to be present for his girlfriend’s birthday as he remains locked up at Shikoswe Police Post awaiting court appearance.

Credit: Kafue Times/Oswald Sichone in Kafue

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