Zambians should accept change, support the UPND government, and ensure that the country develops in the spirit of unity, Chief Hamusonde of the Tonga speaking people has said.

The traditional leader says there should be no segregation when it comes to development, but what is needed is total change that will bring development in the country through the able leadership of President Hakainde Hichilema.

He said Bweengwa, despite being President Hichilema’s village, needs equal development just like other parts of the country.

He said nepotism, segregation and other forms of injustices should not be the focus anymore, but total change that people will see and experience.

The traditional leader was speaking when Community Development and Social Services Minister, Ms Doreen Mwamba paid a courtesy call on him at his palace during her developmental tour of Monze and Bweengwa to check on the implementation of social cash transfer programme.

The Minister was also on a fact finding mission to understand the challenges being faced by beneficiaries in accessing the funds.

Chief Hamusonde therefore thanked government for its efficiency in the implementation of various social protection programmes and pledged full support to ensure that such efforts to lift the welfare of the vulnerable people are not frustrated by anyone.

“The money that you will give to the vulnerable people of Bweengwa will be there for the correct usage, no ngwee will be out, I promise you. If anyone will steal the money, the same day the DC will know it, the MP will know it, and you will know it” the traditional leader assured.

Chief Hamusonde said he does not doubt the ability of the Ms Mwamba to deliver the much needed development for the people of Zambia.

Meanwhile, Ms Mwamba reiterated her call for traditional leaders to use their influence to identify more people that should be included on various social protection programmes in line with governments desire to put as many beneficiaries as possible on the programme especially old an disabled people.

“We are not only paying on time, but we are paying ahead of time because we don’t want to leave anyone behind, we want more severely disabled and older people to be on the programme” Ms Mwamba said adding that the social cash transfer programme has been scaled up and is receiving very good support from cooperating partners.

And the Minister has assured that issuance of national registration cards (NRCs) will be expedited so that the issues of beneficiaries failing to access the funds due to NRC related challenges are dealt with.

She said this during an interaction meeting with beneficiaries in Bweengwa constituency were it was established that the complaints of failure to access funds by beneficiaries was due to NRC related challenges.

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