The United States government has announced the launch of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Business Enabling Project, a five-year, $14 million initiative, subject to appropriations, designed to spur economic development in Zambia.

Specifically focused on the development of rural communities, the project will generate incentives for private-sector investments in agriculture, eco-tourism, energy, sustainable natural resource management, and trade across Zambia, and expand women’s economic participation. By targeting legislation, procedures, and regulations that hinder women’s access to finance and their ability to own and expand businesses, the project seeks to unleash the power of Zambia’s greatest untapped resource—women entrepreneurs.

Built on a collaborative approach, the USAID Business Enabling Project will strengthen communication across the Zambian government, private sector, and civil society. Aligned with the Zambian government’s newly launched Public-Private Dialogue Forum, the project will also promote greater engagement from the public on key challenges to businesses. 

By driving innovation and digital solutions to Zambia’s most challenging business roadblocks, improving government regulations, and creating more business-friendly processes and requirements, Zambia will be open for U.S. investment and well positioned for increased two-way trade with the United States.

The new project will lay the groundwork for fully opening Zambia up for business, and create opportunities for women and others who have often been excluded from economic opportunities in Zambia, thereby benefiting all Zambians.

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