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Wife pounds 78-year-old husband to death after a Marital dispute

A 78-year-old man of Mokambo on the Copperbelt has died after he was beaten with a pounding stick by his wife during a marital dispute.

Sena Chifula also 78, is alleged to have hit her husband, John Mumba using a pounding stick after the two had a quarrel .

Copperbelt Province Commanding officer Sharon Zulu said police received a report of a suspected murder which was reported by Julius Chifita, 37 a peasant farmer of Mokambo area.

“Mr Chifita reported that John Mumba, the deaceasd was on Monday at around 20:00 hours beaten by his wife Sena Chifula aged after a domestic quarrel and he later died on Tuesday, at around 12:00 hours at Murundu Clinic where he was taken for medication,” she said.

Ms Zulu said upon receipt of the report , police visited the clinic where the victim was admitted and examined the deceased’s body which had visible head injuries caused by a pounding stick alleged to have been used to inflict the injuries .

“The deceased’s wife has since been arrested and the body of the deceased has been deposited to Ronald Ross Hospital awaiting a postmortem,” she said.


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