The Zambia Revenue Authority has confirmed that indeed, 33,045 registered motor vehicles at RTSA do not have matching records of Customs clearance at ZRA.

On May 23, Pungwa Online News reported that over 33,000 motor vehicles on Zambian roads have unresolved issues with the tax authority on suspicion of being dubiously imported into the country, despite being registered at RTSA.

ZRA has since given members of the public up to 31st August 2022 to ensure that Customs clearance is done during which period, the authority will not charge penalties and interest for voluntary compliance, but after this period, enforcement activities will be engaged to recover unpaid tax or even forfeit the said vehicles to the state.

According to a circular published today, Zambia Revenue Authority said the authority has carried out an exercise to verify if motor vehicles registered at RTSA from 2015 to 31st October 2021 are also registered on the AsycudaWorld and paid taxes.

The authority says this exercise established that about 33,045 registered motor vehicles at RTSA do not have matching records of Customs clearance.

The notice says this may be due to wrongly captured details such as chassis number or simply there was no clearance with customs and therefore, all these vehicles are of interest to the ZRA.

The authority has since asked all those with imported motor vehicles between the period 1st January 2015 and 31st October 2021 to check with ZRA if their vehicles are of interest for dubious import.

Source: Pungwa Online News

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