Photo Credit: Morden Sinkala


By Noah Silomba

Youth, Sport and Arts Minister Elvis Nkandu has implored Zambian boxers who minted seven medals at the AFBC African Elite Boxing Championship held in Mozambique to blend sport with education.

The minister says sport if well utilised can help to alleviate poverty among the youth hence the need to combine it with education especially when athletes win prize money at these major competitions.

Speaking when athletes and the Zambia Boxing Federation executive presented medals at his office Tuesday morning, Hon. Nkandu urged athletes not to be carried away or lose focus in society with the USD 10,000 for gold and USD 2,500 for bronze medals won.

The Minister says the new dawn government is happy to note that many athletes are performing well at major competitions by minting medals even those from sports disciplines others regarded as minor sports.

He reminded athletes that there is now stiff competition among Zambian athletes to showcase their skills and win adding that if they do not handle themselves well it will be unfortunate to see their sports careers end when the nation expects good performance.

Team Zambia came back home with seven medals from the championship (4) gold and (3) bronze through Patrick Chinyemba (gold), Margret Tembo (gold), Felistus Nkandu (gold), Andrew Chilata (gold), Elizabeth Phiri (bronze), Julian Kasonka (bronze), and Ben Banda (Bronze).

All Athletes who won gold walked away with USD 10, 000 while those who minted bronze were given USD 2,500.

The Championship had over 25 countries with 121 male and 53 female athletes competing with Team Zambia emerging third in Africa (Bronze).

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