
HeyMedia is a digital social network platform dedicated to Zambians to showcase their latest news, culture, lifestyle, classifieds, music and politics. The platform also provides for different services such as news distribution for corporate entities, media and social media management, photography and videography, web management, graphic designing, music promotions and many other media relations.

Bizzare: Mongu ghost weeps s3x worker

By Nancy Kalaluka A s*x worker is nursing some pains and traumatized after she was wiped by a Ghost last night in Mongu. In an interview with BBN this afternoon, she disclosed that last night she found a good client at the club who bought her alcohol and food before …

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3 side-effects of condoms you never knew

Condoms are one of the most commonly used methods of contraception today. Contraceptive methods help to prevent pregnancies. This means using condoms is essentially a means of birth control. However, while birth control may be the primary purpose, a condom is also able to provide other benefits to the user. …

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Wife kills self over bananas

A 54-year-old wife of Block E in Chief Mumena in Meheba Refugee Resettlement has committed suicide by hanging herself to a tree after differing with her husband over the bananas he brought and later sold to another woman, a move that angered her. North-Western Province deputy police commanding officer Robison …

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‘I Use S#x Toy, My Husband’s Manh00d is Not Enough – Devoted Church Woman Confesses

“Confessions” is a new television program, which started this July on TV3, with the aim of assisting guilt-trapped individuals. Hosted by Ms Nacy on TV3, confessions bring it’s viewers eye-popping, jaw-dropping, shocking, and succulent secrets about the lifestyles of certain individuals. During this Sunday’s episode of the program, a self …

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