
Police launch investigations in MP porn video

Police has instituted investigations into the porn videos which have gone viral involving Vubwi member of parliament Ackleo Banda. Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga confirmed to Daily Revelation that investigations have been instituted into the matter. Credit: Daily Revelation

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Family digs up grave after burying wrong body

After an emotional send-off where some relatives even collapsed during body viewing, a grieving family of Lusaka discovered after burial this morning that they had buried the wrong body. Family sources said that Ricky Mulenga died in his Matero home on Friday after a long illness upon which his body …

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*13 ABDUCTION SURVIVORS REINTEGRATED INTO THEIR FAMILIES* The Ministry of Community Development and Social Services has reintegrated the 13 young women who were rescued from the abductors, back into their families. The young women underwent psychosocial and mental therapy under the auspices of Social Welfare Officers and Mental health Practitioners …

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